a front porch tale

Summer Evening, Edward Hopper, 1947

a front porch tale

old wooden planks guard internal night
eyes beam, sparkling warm
under incandescent, luminous stars

crickets hum with lover-heart, beating wild
shifts feet, sweats, stumbles words,
he may fall through the ground

he buries fears, she trusts his eyes
they paint the floor white
hang lace curtains, veil of a new life

all stories are sung, as two become one
old planks creak the melody,
shift with beloved aging souls

laughter white-washes pain, tears seal cracks
they work, play, worship, love
step on familiar creaky spots of elbows and wood

But what can be common of love,
and of a front porch, when the nights are dark
and silent for so many unrequited loves?

the same stars sparkle, the same porch stands
where they rocked their babies
and still sing one another to sleep.


August 7, 2011. Submitting for Magpie Tales 77… a weekly writing prompt. Click the link to read other responses to the prompt or to add your own!


Filed under Love, Time

27 responses to “a front porch tale

  1. Delightful take on this week’s picture.
    — K

    Kay, Alberta, Canada
    An Unfittie’s Guide to Adventurous Travel

  2. Beautiful. Just lovely. : )

  3. This is such an engaging take on the old Edward Hopper painting. Love the intersection of his painting and your poetry.

  4. Zoe

    Oh, very lyrical! Love it. 🙂

  5. this is lovely piece…the crickets and boards creeking make fine music and i like that question there toward the end and the come back to a future int eh rocking of their babies…very nice write…

  6. Hooray for happy endings!

  7. This is just lovely! I love the ending.

  8. Suki

    i like all the sounds in this poem

  9. Very lyrical – really enjoyed it.

  10. profound word flow.

    way to go.

  11. “laughter white-washes pain” Can I use this as my mantra?

  12. he buries fears, she trusts his eyes
    they paint the floor white
    hang lace curtains, veil of a new life

    loved this–well done

  13. Helen

    Your poem is amazing ~ I’m with Stafford on the mantra request!

  14. Nicely done. I’m amazed how many people had thoughts of crickets. Was it her thighs?

  15. This really is delightful. Well done.

  16. Hello, how are you?

    Glad to land in your lovely land of wonders. Excellent talent!

    Hope all is well.

    Appreciated your support to The Gooseberry Garden, your inputs add light to our place, we would love to see you around weekly…

    Random piece or old ones are welcome too.

    Bless you.
    Happy End of August.
    Hope to see you around!

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